
江西鳳陽府大六壬鐵板教 李法輝老師公_傳下
惠陽縣鴨仔渡 羅法明老師公_傳下
寶安縣坪山 曾法平老師公_傳下
廣東 葉法光師公生魂吐教_傳下
弟子-鄭法育 不敢忘恩

Friday 29 December 2017

道歷:肆柒壹肆年 良辰吉日 
為信徒宅中舉行 淨宅出煞法事。 願 宅主 出入平安,身體健康,百煞潛藏,大吉大昌。 
感謝 🙏 六壬仙師 及 眾位仙師 扶持

Friday 24 November 2017

分享《米龍》 在几天前,跟随恩師 蔡法章師傅 一同到信徒新家
《舉行 安龍奠土_入伙安神 儀式》

Thursday 23 November 2017

Residential Purification & Ground-Breaking Ceremony. In our daily life, there are numerous supernatural substances from the other world, around us dwell in our premises, irregardless of old or new habitation. In Taoism, we identify them as adverse psyche. Generally "Yin & Yang" cohabitation are not encourage as it will lead to disastrous misfortune, such as impact on wealth, home safety and health. Therefore, obligation to eliminate these phantom arises. Ritual by professional were initiated to address this occurrence.  Unlike "Feng Shui" this requires expertise to enhance the well being of the family, incredible blessing and prevent unanticipated tragedies. 
感謝🙏六壬仙師 及 眾位仙師扶持! 

Saturday 28 October 2017

為 王先生 新家安奉 ‘’如來佛祖‘’ 及謝土,旺宅,入伙儀式。
 願🙏王家~出入平安、財源廣進、名列前茅、事業亨通、男添百福、女納千祥、大吉大昌。 感謝🙏六壬仙師 及眾位仙師扶持。

Wednesday 27 September 2017

 Residential Purification & Ground-Breaking Ceremony. In our daily life, there are numerous supernatural substances from the other world, around us dwell in our premises, irregardless of old or new habitation. In Taoism, we identify them as adverse psyche. Generally "Yin & Yang" cohabitation are not encourage as it will lead to disastrous misfortune, such as impact on wealth, home safety and health. Therefore, obligation to eliminate these phantom arises. Ritual by professional were initiated to address this occurrence.  Unlike "Feng Shui" this requires expertise to enhance the well being of the family, incredible blessing and prevent unanticipated tragedies.
 感謝🙏六壬仙師 及 眾位仙師扶持!