
江西鳳陽府大六壬鐵板教 李法輝老師公_傳下
惠陽縣鴨仔渡 羅法明老師公_傳下
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廣東 葉法光師公生魂吐教_傳下
弟子-鄭法育 不敢忘恩

Friday 1 January 2016


Every zodiac will meet with at least 4 times of offending the Tai Sui in every 12 years. In the year of offending Tai Sui, symptoms like obstacles, poor health, financial problems, sudden sadness and mood swing will occurs. So individual offending Tai Sui must act with caution concerning these issues. There are actually in greater details, 4 types of offending Tai Sui. They are 值太歲, 刑太歲, 害太歲, 冲太歲. 2016 

Zodiacs That Offends Tai Sui: Monkey (1944, 1956, 1968, 1980, 1992, and 2004)
People who are born in the year of Monkey are 值太歲. 2016 will be a stressful year for you. You will be hot tempered, easily irritated, making unwise decisions resulting in unfavorable circumstances that you might regret later. In work related, it will be a busy year for you, and your hard works might end up in vain. Unfavorable astrological stars combinations of 剑锋meeting指背 in the astrological palace will results in dispute, quarrel and conflicts. Words of advice for you will be to act with caution, avoid any disagreement or confrontation with others, and do not be anyone's guarantor.

Snake (1953, 1965, 1977, 1989, 2001, 2013)
People who are born in the year of Snake are 刑太歲 .2016 will be a year full of obstacles for you. In health area, need to take note of illness related to digestive system and nervous system. You will also experience sudden expenses resulting in loss of money. Unfavorable astrological stars combinations of 勾神、贯索 will results in dispute and conflicts, but thankfully there are also signs of female helpers (女贵人) who will help you in times of needs. Words of advice for you will be to be cautious on your health and do not venture without careful considerations.

Pig (1947, 1959, 1971, 1983, 1995, 2007)
People who are born in the year of Pig are 害太歲. 2016 will be stressful year for you. Be careful of backstabbers and people who might harm you as 相害 means 'to harm'. There is a possibility of lawsuit. With the unfavorable astrological star 死符星 in palace, one might want to pay more attention on health related issue and avoid falling sick.

Tiger (1914, 1962, 1974, 1986, 1998, 2010)
People who are born in the year of Tiger are 冲太歲. This is the strongest of all offending Tai Sui. 2016 will be an unstable year for you. There will be changes such as moving house, travelling etc... Relationship will be facing changes. With the astrological star 大耗 in palace, one will experience huge expenses and losses. One is advice to take extra caution in huge investments, and venture in job.

拜太歲Worship to the " Tai Sui "at the beginning of the year will help Devotee to remove the bad luck incurred due to the clashes with "Tai Sui".
Devotee can worship to the "Tai Sui" Deity for their safety and luck enhancement at temple.
Each "Tai Sui" deity's authority is only for 1 year; Therefore Devotee must remember to do a thanks offering to the "Tai Sui" Deity 
before the winter solstice for the protection throughout the year.

We specialise in praying and diminishing inauspicious Tai Sui's influence
Our worship Tai Sui ceremony will be conducted by Master Tay from 21st Feb 2016 and all devotees will receive the Grand Duke Talisman 《 太歲符 》